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Gabrovo SevlievoTryavnaDryanovo
Aprilov High SchoolGabrovo Museum of HistoryThe Clock TowerDechkov HouseBaev BridgeThe Assumption ChurchEthnographic Open-Air "ETAR"Sokolski MonasteryBozhentsi reserve of architecture and history


Etar Open-Air Ethnographic Museum is the first museum of its kind in Bulgaria. It opened up in 1964. The museum is situated 8 km to the south of Gabrovo. The open-air museum shows the traditional architecture, way of life and traditional crafts and economy of Gabrovo and the other Balkan mountain settlements during the Revival. Some of the buildings have been restored on-site and others have been ‘transferred’ from neighbouring villages. The unique exposition presents sixteen masterpieces of architecture forming the artisans’ square, residential interiors and twenty functioning workshops – fur-dressing, bell making, wood-carving, folklore music instruments manufacturing, icon-painting, herb gathering, etc. One may also see how Gabrovo townsfolk used the water-generated power and the ingenious solutions they came up with whilst experimenting with it, some of which are considered historic within the development of technical science in Bulgaria. Balkan people’s ingenuity helped build a unique water-propelled mechanism used by housewives and artisans alike.
Festivals are annually held at the museum when traditional customs and rites associated with the traditional festive season are performed. One of the most important customs is Enyo’s Day, associated with the healing power of herbs and the traditional autumn crafts festival, when traditional objects of Revival art are exhibited.
