Useful infoAccomodationGalleryContactsBulgarian version
Gabrovo SevlievoTryavnaDryanovo
Aprilov High SchoolGabrovo Museum of HistoryThe Clock TowerDechkov HouseBaev BridgeThe Assumption ChurchEthnographic Open-Air "ETAR"Sokolski MonasteryBozhentsi reserve of architecture and history


The Clock Tower

The Clock Tower also dates back to 1835 and is one of the highest in Bulgaria – 27.70 m. It is a prominent landmark and has been included on the itinerary of many sightseeing tours providing chance to have a look at the authentic clockwork. A monument of culture and an intriguing feature of the central town square. The clock works were made by Gabrovo craftsman Ivan Sahatchiyta (Ivan the Clockmaker) but the bell was imported by Vienna.