Useful infoAccomodationGalleryContactsBulgarian version
Gabrovo SevlievoTryavnaDryanovo
Aprilov High SchoolGabrovo Museum of HistoryThe Clock TowerDechkov HouseBaev BridgeThe Assumption ChurchEthnographic Open-Air "ETAR"Sokolski MonasteryBozhentsi reserve of architecture and history


ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORIC RESERVATION BOZHENTSI is a small village and a monument of Bulgarian Revival architecture, tucked in the northern slopes of the central Balkan Mountain range at 750 m above sea level. It is 16 km to the east of Gabrovo and a 40 km drive from Veliko Tarnovo. The history of architectural and historic reservation goes back 600 years.

Here the tourist would find peace and quiet stepping back into a world that is no more. Legend tells us the village was founded by Bojana – who took refuge in the mountains with her nine sons after Veliko Tarnovo fell to the Turks in 1393.

The high stone walls, gates of carved oak wood, tiny cobbled streets, stone fountains, and miniature shops are true embodiment of the atmosphere of this heavenly nook of Bulgaria.